
Are you an artist working in 2D media?

Join the Art Rental Program!

Art Rental promotes the appreciation of visual arts in our community by making the work of local artists available for display in homes, offices and film and television production sets and provides individuals and businesses with an affordable and flexible way to enjoy a wide range of quality, original 2-dimensional works including paintings, photography and mixed media works.

How to join the program

Selection of artwork for the Art Rental Program is by adjudication. The jury process takes place annually in the Fall and is announced in the monthly newsletter and posted on our Call for Artists Overview page.

For artists

The Art Rental Program generates revenue and builds awareness for individual artists by renting works to our large and diverse clientele. The selling price of the artwork is set by artists. Rental fees are based on the selling price of the artwork.  Rental royalties and net sales revenue are paid to artists semi-annually (less a 30% administration fee).

For artists whose work is accepted into the Art Rental Program, an annual membership is required.  Join here.

All artwork in the program is displayed on our website in the Art Rental Gallery.  The Art Rental collection is featured in an annual salon-style exhibition at CityScape Community ArtSpace in March. When not on exhibit in the gallery the artworks are displayed on the panels in our Art Rental Salon, located in the back of CityScape gallery, where they are available to visitors year-round.