Intro/Continuing Oil Painting (supplies included)

Intro/Continuing Oil Painting (supplies included)

Oil painting is a timeless art form, offering a rich, expressive medium for creating stunning works of art. In this introductory course, you’ll learn traditional techniques and methods passed down through generations of artists, providing you with the foundation to create your own masterpieces.

Date Night Mosaic Coaster with Ilena Lee Cramer

Date Night Mosaic Coaster with Ilena Lee Cramer

In this workshop, you’ll design your own colorful mosaic coasters using pre-cut tiles, coaster bases, and all the materials provided, including glue, gloves, and tools. You’ll also learn how to grout your designs. While we’ll provide grout to finish one coaster during the workshop, you’ll take extra grout home to complete the rest after they’ve dried.