
About Exhibitions

Exhibitions encourage public engagement, bridging cultures and building strong communities through the arts.

North Van Arts Member News
<b>Submission Deadline:</b> Ongoing

Thank you for your interest in submitting to our North Van Arts MembeNews!  North Van Arts has multiple avenues to promote your art news, including: Social Media, bi-weekly e-bulletin, and a quarterly newsletter.  Let us help you promote! 

Guidelines for Member News: 

  • You must be a member in good standing with North Van Arts. If you are not yet a Member, visit this page to purchase or renew your Membership. 
  • North Van Arts accepts submissions on a weekly basis, but applicants should note: if you wish to promote a future event or exhibition, please send details and images at least 3 weeks before the event. 
  • North Van Arts reserves the right to schedule and post content (including text-based posts, photos, videos, links, story posts, and shared, reposted, or retweeted content, emails), belonging to the individuals submitting through this form, when there is available space 
  • North Van Arts will not publish any submitted materials which include hate speech or support discrimination and/or belittlement against a particular race, religion, size, gender orientation, sexuality, or marginalized group. 
  • Applicants understand that North Van Arts aims to feature Member News bi-weekly, on average, dependent on staff capacity and volume of submissions. 
  • Applicants must follow @NorthVanArts on all platforms to be included in social media promotions. 
  • Applicants may apply with photos of art, art events, and work that is not limited to any particular artistic discipline. We include a range of arts from dancing to drawing, poetry to painting, etc. and strongly encourage more. 
  • You must have ownership of submitted media or clearly expressed consent to share the image, especially if there are children present in content. 
  • No posters. 

If you have any questions, please contact the Member Coordinator, during office hours at 604-988-6844 or email membership@northvanarts.ca with North Van Arts Member News in the subject. 

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