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Edme Focant

Acrylic & Oil Painting


Website: nsartists.ca/edmefocant

Email: focant@telus.net

Born in Belgium, my family passed along a strong appreciation for the art and music at an early age.

We were always grateful to be surrounded by beautiful architecture and galleries containing remarkable paintings which cultivated a strong appreciation for the arts and music.

My education and career was in the industry sector where I focussed mainly on drafting and design. In my spare time, I found pleasure in drawing, photography and woodworking; making furniture, toys and various keepsake carvings.

A few years ago, I took part in an oil painting class in North Vancouver which triggered a deep passion for painting. Now retired, I enjoy spending much more time in front of my easel. Although my paintings showcase a wide variety of different themes, each one tells a story in my experience.

My wife and I have spent many vacations cruising through many areas of the world. Many of my paintings were inspired by some of the photographs that I have taken of stunning landmarks, scenery and landscape. Living in Lynn Valley, I have also had the opportunity to spend a lot of time walking through the canyon relishing in the beauty of nature which has also inspired some of my paintings.